الكتب المسموعة
موسوعة فتاوي الفقيه الدكتور صلاح الصاوي - فتاوى بالإنجليزية Fatwa in English
✨Zakat on Corporate Current Account Funds
استمع المزيد من موسوعة فتاوي الفقيه الدكتور صلاح الصاوي - فتاوى بالإنجليزية Fatwa in English - عنوان الحلقة | مرات الاستماع |
✨Does Vomiting Invaidate Fasting | 3381 |
✨Can Diabetics Skip Fasting During Ramadan | 11783 |
✨Shortening and Combining Prayers for Traveers | 9562 |
✨Leaving Home Over Famiy Quarres Permitted | 1915 |
✨Limits on Opening a Checking Account with Usurious Banks | 10571 |
✨Ruing on Paying Zakat to Parents | 6893 |
✨Exemption from Friday Prayers for Those Afficted with Parkinson's | 3764 |
✨Chidren Gambing with Fake Money Is It Permissibe | 11365 |
✨Impications of Not Feeing Joy in Worship on Divine Dispeasure | 3907 |
✨Sincere Repentance | 4719 |