
المجموع المغيث في غريبي القرآن والحديث لأبو موسى المديني
هوم2 هَوَّمَ He slept. (TA, voce نَامَ.) هَامَهٌ The head: (S, K:) or the part between the two edges of the head: or the middle, and main part, of the head, [see قَرْنٌ, and صَدًى, in several places,] of anything: (TA:) or the upper part of the head, in which are the نَاصِيَة and the قُصَّه, which mean the fore part of the hair of the forehead; in it is the مفرق, which is the فرق of the head, between the two sides, extending to the دَائَرَة. (Az, TA.) See also two explanations voce جُمْجَمَةٌ. b2: هَامَةٌ The crown, or top, of the head. See قَمَحْدُوَةٌ, and اِعْتَجَرَ. b3: هَامٌ meaning Headmen, or chiefs: see a verse cited in art. غلصم. b4: بَنَاتُ الهَامِ The marrow of the brain. (TA.) b5: أُمُّ الهَامِ (K in art. دمغ) app. i. q. أُمُّ الرَّأْسِ and أْمُّ الدِّمَاغِ: see أُمٌّ and دِماَغٌ. b6: هَامَةٌ An owl: a certain night-bird, (S, K,) that frequents the burial-places, of small size, (TA,) i. q. صَدًى: (S, K:) or i. q. بُومَةٌ: (TA:) pl. [or coll. gen. n.] هَامٌ. (S.) See بُومٌ; and see also أَحَرَّ.