
تاج العروس لمرتضى الزبيدي
عقل1 عَقڤلَ [The inf. n.] عَقْلٌ signifies The act of withholding, or restraining; syn. مَنْعٌ. (TA.) [This is app. the primary signification, or it may be from what next follows.] b2: عَقَلَ البَعِيرَ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. عَقْلٌ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) He bound the camel with the [rope called] عِقَال; (Mgh;) meaning he bound the camel's fore shank to his arm; (K;) i. e. he folded together the camel's fore shank and his arm and bound them both in the middle of the arm with the rope called عِقَال; (S, O, Msb;) and ↓ اعتقلهُ signifies the same; as also ↓ عقّلهُ; (K;) or you say, عَقَّلْتُ الإِبِلَ, from العِقَالُ, (S, O,) inf. n. تَعْقِيلٌ, (O,) [i. e. I bound the camels in the manner expl. above,] this verb being with tesh-deed because of its application to a number of objects: (S, O:) and sometimes the hocks were bound with the عِقَال. (TA.) The she-camel, also, was bound with the عِقَال on the occasion of her being covered: b3: and hence العَقْلُ is metonymically used as meaning الجِمَاعُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The act of compressing a woman]. (TA.) b4: عَقَلْتُ القَتِيلَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) or المَقْتُولَ, (S, O,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Msb, TA,) means I gave, or paid, the bloodwit to the heir, or next of kin, of the slain person: (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K: *) for the camels [that constituted the bloodwit] used to be bound with the عِقَال in the yard of the abode of the heir, or next of kin, of the slain person; and in consequence of frequency of usage, the phrase became employed to mean thus when the bloodwit was given in dirhems or deenárs. (As, S, O, Msb. * [See a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. عيف.]) And [hence] one says also, عَقَلْتُ عَنْهُ, (inf. n. as above, TA,) meaning I paid for him, (the slayer, Mgh,) i. e., in his stead, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, *) the bloodwit that was obligatory upon him, (S, Mgh, O, K, *) or what was obligatory upon him of the bloodwit. (Msb.) And عَقَلْتُ لَهُ دَمَ فُلَانٍ I relinquished in his favour retaliation of the blood of such a one for the bloodwit. (S, O, Msb, K. *) لَا تَعْقِلُ العَاقِلَةُ عَمْدًا وَلَا عَبْدًا, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) in a trad. (S, O, Msb) of Esh-Shaabee, (O,) or a saying of Esh-Shaabee, (Mgh, * K,) not a trad., (K,) but the like occurs in a trad. related on the authority of I'Ab, (TA,) [meaning, accord. to an expl. of the verb when trans. without a particle, mentioned above, Those who are responsible for the payment of a bloodwit in certain cases shall not pay it for an intentional act of slaying or the like, nor for the slaying or the like of a slave,] applies, accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh, to the case of a slave's committing a crime against a free person: (S, O, Msb, K: [and thus as expl. in the Mgh:]) but, (S, O, Msb, K,) accord. to Ibn-Abee-Leylà, (S, O, Msb,) it applies to the case of a free person's committing a crime against a slave; for if the meaning were as Aboo-Haneefeh says, the phrase would be لَا تَعْقِلُ العَاقِلَةُ عَنْ عَبْدٍ; (S, O, Msb, K;) and As pronounced this to be correct: (S, O, Msb: *) Akmal-ed-Deen, however, in the Exposition of the Hidáyeh, says that عَقَلْتُهُ is used in the sense of عَقَلْتُ عَنْهُ, and that the context of the trad. indicates this meaning, which MF also defends. (TA.) [See also the saying لَا أَعْقِلُ الكَلْبَ الهَرَّارَ in art. هر.] b5: عَقَلَهُ, inf. n. as above, also means He set him up [app. a man] on one of his legs; [app. from عَقَلَ البَعِيرَ;] as also عَكَلَهُ: and every عَقْل is a raising. (TA.) b6: Also, [agreeably with the explanation of the inf. n. in the first sentence of this art.,] and ↓ عقّلهُ, and ↓ تعقّلهُ, (TA, [see also the first paragraph of art. عجس,]) and ↓ اعتقلهُ, (Msb, TA,) He withheld him, or restrained him, (Msb, TA,) عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ from the object of his want. (TA.) b7: and [hence,] عَقَلَ الدَّوَآءُ بَطْنَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (S, K) and عَقُلَ, (K,) inf. n. عَقْلٌ, (TA,) The medicine bound, or confined, his belly [or bowels]; syn. أَمْسَكَهُ: (S, O, Msb, K:) accord. to some, particularly after looseness: and بَطْنَهُ ↓ اعتقل signifies the same. (TA.) And يَعْقِلُ الطَّبْعَ is said of a medicine [as meaning, in like manner, It binds the bowels; is astringent]. (TA in art. حمض; &c.) And عقل البَطْنُ [app. عُقِلَ] The belly [or bowels] became bound, or confined; syn. اِسْتَمْسَكَ. (TA.) b8: عَقَلَ عَلَى القَوْمِ, [aor. ـِ inf. n. عِقَالٌ, means He collected, or exacted, the poor-rates of the people, or party; [app. from عَقَلَ البَعِيرَ; as though he bound with the rope called عِقَال the camels that he collected;] on the authority of IKtt. (TA.) 'Omar, when he had deferred [collecting] the poor-rate in the year [of drought called] عَامُ الرَّمَادَةِ, sent Ibn-AbeeDhubáb, and said, اِعْقِلْ عَلَيْهِمْ عِقَالَيْنِ فَاقْسِمْ فِيهِمْ عِقَالًا وَاءْتِنِى بِالآخَرِ [Collect thou from them two years' poor-rate; then divide among them one year's poor-rate, and bring to me the other]. (O.) One says of the collector of the poor-rate, يَعْقِلُ الصَّدَقَةَ [He collects, or exacts, the poor-rate]. (S, O.) b9: عَقَلَ فُلَانًا and ↓ اعتقلهُ signify He threw down such a one [in wrestling] by twisting his leg upon the latter's leg: (K, * TA:) [or] you say, الشَّغْزَبِيَّةَ ↓ صَارَعَهُ فَاعْتَقَلَهُ He wrestled with him and twisted his leg upon the leg of the latter: (S, O:) and one says of a wrestler, ↓ لِفُلَانٍ عُقْلَةٌ بِهَا النَّاسَ ↓ يَعْتَقِلُ, (S, O,) or يَعْقِلُ بِهَا النَّاسَ, i. e. [Such a one has] a [mode of] twisting his leg with another's [whereby he wrestles with men]. (TA.) b10: عَقَلَتْ شَعَرَهَا, (inf. n. عَقْلٌ, TA,) said of a woman, She combed her hair: (S, O:) or combed it in a certain manner; as also ↓ عَقَّلَتْهُ. (TA.) A2: عَقَلَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْلٌ and ↓ مَعْقُولٌ, (S, O, K,) or the latter, accord. to Sb, is an epithet, [or a pass. part. n.,] for he used to say that no inf. n. has the measure مَفْعُولٌ, (S, O,) He was, or became, عَاقِل [i. e. intelligent, &c.; and so ↓ تعقّل; as though he were withheld, or restrained, from doing that which is not suitable, or befitting: see عَقْلٌ below]: and ↓ عقّل, (K, TA,) inf. n. تَعْقِيلٌ, (TA,) signifies the same, (K,) or [he possessed much intelligence, for] it is with teshdeed to denote muchness: (TA:) and عَقِلَ, aor. ـَ is a dial. var. of عَقَلَ, aor. ـِ signifying he became عَاقِل. (IKtt, TA.) b2: And عَقَلَ الشَّىْءَ, (Msb, K, TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْلٌ, (Msb, TA,) He understood, or knew, the thing; syn. فَهِمَهُ: (K, TA:) or i. q. تَدَبَّرَهُ [app. as meaning he looked into, considered, examined, or studied, the thing repeatedly, until he knew it]; and عَقِلَ, aor. ـَ is a dial. var. thereof. (Msb.) See also 5. b3: مَا أَعْقِلُهُ عَنْكَ شَيْئًا, (S, and so in the K accord. to my copy of the TA, but in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K ↓ اَعْقَلَهُ,) meaning دَعْ عَنْكَ الشَّكَّ [Dismiss from thee doubt], is [said to be] mentioned by Sb; as though the speaker said, مَا أَعْلِمُ شَيْئًا مِمَّا تَقُولُ فَدَعْ عَنْكَ الشَّكَّ [I know not aught of what thou sayest, so dismiss from thee doubt]; and [to be] like the phrases خُذْ عَنْكَ and سِرْ عَنْكَ: Bekr El-Mázinee says, “I asked Az and As and Aboo-Málik and Akh respecting this phrase, and they all said, 'We know not what it is: ' (so in the S:) [but] it is a mistake, for مَا أَغْفَلَهُ; (K, TA;) and thus it is mentioned by Sb and others, with غ and ف. (TA.) نَخْلَةٌ لَا تَعْقِلُ الإِبَارَ (tropical:) A palm-tree that will not receive fecundation is a tropical phrase [perhaps from عَقَلَ meaning “ he understood ” a thing]. (A, TA.) b4: عَاقَلْتُهُ فَعَقْلْتُهُ: see 3. b5: عَقَلَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عُقُولٌ (S, O, K) and عَقْلٌ, (K,) He (a mountain-goat, S, O) became, or made himself, inaccessible in a high mountain: (S: in the O unexplained:) or he [a gazelle) ascended [a mountain]. (K.) Accord. to Az, العُقُولُ signifies The protecting oneself in a mountain. (TA.) and one says, عَقَلَ إِلَيْهِ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْلٌ and عُقُولٌ, He betook himself to him, or it, for refuge, protection, covert, or lodging. (K.) b6: عَقَلَ الظِّلُّ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَقْلٌ (K) [and probably عُقُولٌ also], The shade declined, and contracted, or shrank, at midday; (S, O;) the sun became high, and the shade almost disappeared. (S, O, K.) A3: عَقَلَ, (O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَقْلٌ, (TA,) said of a camel, He pastured upon the plant called عَاقُول. (O, K.) A4: عَقِلَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. عَقَلٌ, (S, O, K,) He (a camel) had a twisting in the hind leg, (S, O, K,) and much width [between the hind legs]: (S, O:) or had an excessive wideness, or spreading, of the hind legs, so that the hocks knocked together: (ISk, S, O:) or had a knocking together of the knees. (K.) [See also رَوَحَ.]2 عَقَّلَ see 1, in four places.

A2: عقّلهُ, inf. n. تَعْقِيلٌ, also signifies He, or it, rendered him عَاقِل [i. e. intelligent, &c.]. (O, K.) A3: And عقّل said of a grape-vine, (O, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) It put forth its عُقَّيْلَى, or grapes in their first, sour, state. (O, K.) 3 المَرْأَةُ تُعَاقِلُ الرَّجُلَ إِلَى ثُلُثِ دِيَتِهَا (S, Mgh, O, K) means The woman is on a par with the man to the third part of her bloodwit; (S, Mgh, O;) she receives like as the man receives [up to that point]: (Mgh:) i. e., [for instance,] his مُوضِحَة [or wound of the head for which the mulct is five camels] and her مُوضِحَة are equal; (K;) but when the portion reaches to the third of the bloodwit, her [portion of the] bloodwit is the half of that of the man: (S, O, K:) thus, for one of her fingers, ten camels are due to her, as in the case of the finger of the man; for two of her fingers, twenty camels; and for three of her fingers, thirty; but for four of her fingers, only twenty, because they exceed the third, therefore the portion is reduced to the half of what is due to the man: so accord. to Ibn-El-Museiyab: but Esh-Sháfi'ee and the people of El-Koofeh assign for the finger of the woman five camels, and for two of her fingers ten; and regard not the third part. (TA.) A2: ↓ عَاقَلْتُهُ فَعَقَلْتُهُ, (S, O, K, *) inf. n. of the former مُعَاقَلَةٌ, (TA,) and aor. of the latter عَقُلَ, (S, O, K,) and inf. n. عَقْلٌ, (TA,) means I vied, or contended, with him for superiority in عَقْل [or intelligence], (O, TA,) and I surpassed him therein. (S, O, K, * TA.) 4 اعقل He (a man) owed what is termed عِقَال, (O, K, TA,) i. e. a year's poor-rate. (TA.) b2: اعقل القَوْمُ The people, or party, became in the condition of finding the shade to have declined, and contracted, or shrunk, with them, at midday. (S, O.) A2: اعقلهُ He found him to be عَاقِل [i. e. intelligent, &c.]: (K:) it is similar to أَحْمَدَهُ and أَبْخَلَهُ. (TA.) b2: See also 1, last quarter.5 تعقّلهُ: see 1, near the middle: b2: and see 8, in four places. b3: تَعَقَّلْ لِى بِكَفَّيْكَ حَتَّى أَرْكَبَ بَعِيرِى, (O, K, *) a saying heard by Az from an Arab of the desert, (O,) means Put thy two hands together for me, and intersert thy fingers together, in order that I may put my foot upon them, i. e. upon thy hands, and mount my camel; for the camel was standing; (O, K; *) and was laden; and if he had made him to lie down, would not rise with him and his load. (O.) A2: [It is used in philosophical works as meaning He conceived it in his mind, abstractedly, and otherwise; and so, sometimes, ↓ عَقَلَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْلٌ. Hence one says, هٰذَا شَىْءٌ لَا يُتَعَقَّلُ This is a thing that is not conceivable.]

A3: تعقّل as intrans.: see 1, latter half. b2: [Hence, He recovered his intellect, or understanding. b3: And] He affected, or endeavoured to acquire, عَقْل [i. e. intelligence, &c.]: like as one says تَحَلَّمَ and تَكَيَّسَ. (S, O.) [See also 6.] b4: Said of an animal of the chase, as meaning It stuck fast, and became caught, in a net or the like, it is a coined word, not heard [from the Arabs of chaste speech]. (Mgh.) 6 تعاقلوا دَمُ فُلَانٍ They paid among themselves, or conjointly, the mulct for the blood of such a one. (K.) It is said in a trad., إِنَّا لَا نَتَعَاقَلُ المَصْعَ Verily we will not pay among ourselves, or conjointly, the mulcts for slight wounds of the head, [lit. the stroke with a sword,] but will oblige him who commits the offence to pay the mulct for it: i. e. the people of the towns or villages shall not pay the mulcts for the people of the desert; nor the people of the desert, for the people of the towns or villages; in the like of the case of the [wound termed] مُوضِحَة. (TA.) And in another it is said, يَتَعَاقَلُونَ بَيْنَهُمْ مَعَاقِلَهُمُ الأُولَى [They shall take and give among themselves, or conjointly, their former bloodwits]: i. e. they shall be as they were in respect of the taking and giving of bloodwits. (TA.) And one says, القَوْمُ عَلَى مَا كَانُوا يَتَعَاقَلُونَ عَلَيْهِ [The people, or party, are acting in conformity with that usage in accordance with which they used to pay and receive among themselves bloodwits]. (S, O.) A2: تعاقل also signifies He affected, or made a show of possessing, عَقْل [i. e. intelligence, &c.], without having it. (S, O.) [See also 5.]8 إِعْتَقَلَ see 1, former half, in three places. b2: اُعْتُقِلَ said of a man, He was withheld, restrained, or confined. (S, O.) b3: And اُعْتُقِلَ لِسَانُهُ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) and اِعْتَقَلَ, also, (Msb,) His tongue was withheld, or restrained, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) from speaking; (Mgh, Msb;) he was unable to speak. (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) b4: [Hence,] اعتقل الشَّاةَ He put the hind legs of the ewe, or she-goat, between his shank and his thigh, (S, O, K,) to milk her, (S, O,) or and so milked her. (K.) And اعتقل رُمْحَهُ He put his spear between his shank and his stirrup [or stirrup-leather]: (S, O, K:) or he (a man riding) put his spear beneath his thigh, and dragged the end of it upon the ground behind him. (IAth, TA.) And اعتقل الرَّحْلَ, and ↓ تعقّلهُ; (O;) or اعتقل الرِّجْلَ, (O, K,) accord. to one relation of a verse of Dhu-rRummeh, (O,) and ↓ تعقّلها; (K;) He [a man riding upon a camel] folded his leg, and put it upon the مَوْرِك: (O, K, * TA:) in the K, الوَرِك is erroneously put for المَوْرِك: (TA:) the مَوْرِك is before the وَاسِطَة [or upright piece of wood in the fore part] of the camel's saddle: (AO, in TA art. ورك:) and one says also, اعتقل قَادِمَةَ رَحْلِهِ and ↓ تعقّلها; both meaning the same [as above]: (TA:) and السَّرْجَ ↓ تعقّل and اعتقلهُ He folded his leg upon the fore part of the سرج [or saddle of the horse or the like]. (Mgh.) b5: See also 1, latter half, in three places. b6: الاِعْتِقَالُ also signifies The inserting a سَيْر [or narrow strip of skin or leather], when sewing a skin, beneath a سَيْر, in order that it may become strong, and that the water may not issue from it. (AA, O.) A2: and one says, اعتقل مِنْ دَمِ فُلَانٍ, (O, K,) and مِنْ طَائِلَتِهِ, (O,) meaning He took, or received, the عَقْل, (O, K, TA,) i. e. the mulct for the blood of such a one. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَعْقَلَ [استعقلهُ He counted, accounted, or esteemed, him عَاقِل, i. e. intelligent, &c.: for] you say of a man, يُسْتَعْقَلُ [from العَقْلُ], like as you say يُسْتَحْمَقُ [from الحُمْقُ], and يُسْتَرْأَى from الرِّئَآءُ. (AA, S in art. رأى.) عَقْلٌ an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly so termed], (Msb,) A bloodwit, or mulct for bloodshed; syn. دِيَةٌ; (As, S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) so called for a reason mentioned in the first paragraph in the explanation of the phrase عَقَلْتُ القَتِيلَ; (As, S, Mgh, * O, Msb;) as also ↓ مَعْقُلَةٌ, (S, Mgh, O, K,) of which ↓ مِعْقَلَةٌ, with fet-h to the ق, is a dial. var., mentioned in the R; (TA;) and of which the pl. is مَعَاقِلُ: (S, O, K:) one says, ↓ لَنَاعِنْدَ فُلَانٍ ضَمَدٌ مِنْ مَعْقُلَةٍ i. e. We have a remainder of a bloodwit owed to us by such a one. (S, O.) And الأُولَى ↓ هُمْ عَلَى مَعَاقِلِهِمِ They are [acting] in conformity with [the usages relating to] the bloodwits that were in the Time of Ignorance; (K, TA;) or meaning عَلَى مَا كَانُوا يَتَعَاقَلُونَ عَلَيْهِ [expl. above (see 6)]: (S, O:) or they are [acting] in conformity with the conditions of their fathers; (K, TA;) but the former is the primary meaning: (TA:) and [hence]

عَلَى قَوْمِهِ ↓ صَارَ دَمُ فُلَانٍ مَعْقُلَةً The blood of such a one became [the occasion of] a debt incumbent on his people, or party, (S, O, K, *) to be paid by them from their possessions. (S, O.) A2: And as being originally the inf. n. of عَقَلَ in the phrase عَقَلَ الشَّىْءَ meaning [فَهِمَهُ or] تَدَبَّرَهُ; (Msb;) or as originally meaning المَنْعُ, because it withholds, or restrains, its possessor from doing that which is not suitable; or from المَعْقِلُ as meaning “
the place to which one has recourse for protection &c.,” because its possessor has recourse to it; (TA;) العَقْلُ signifies also Intelligence, understanding, intellect, mind, reason, or knowledge; syn. الحَجْرُ, (S, O,) and النُّهَى, (S,) or النُّهْيَةُ, (O,) or الحِجَا, and اللُّبُّ, (Msb,) or العِلْمُ, (K,) or the contr. of الحُمْقُ; (M, TA;) or the knowledge of the qualities of things, of their goodness and their badness, and their perfectness and their defectiveness; or the knowledge of the better of two good things, and of the worse of two bad things, or of affairs absolutely; or a faculty whereby is the discrimination between the bad and the good; (K, TA;) but these and other explanations of العَقْل in the K are all in treatises of intellectual things, and not mentioned by the leading lexicologists; (TA; [in which are added several more explanations of a similar kind that have no proper place in this work;]) some say that it is an innate property by which man is prepared to understand speech; (Msb;) the truth is, that it is a spiritual light, (K, TA,) shed into the heart and the brain, (TA,) whereby the soul acquires the instinctive and speculative kinds of knowledge, and the commencement of its existence is on the occasion of the young's becoming in the fætal state, [or rather of its quickening,] after which it continues to increase until it becomes complete on the attainment of puberty, (K, TA,) or until the attainment of forty years: (TA:) the pl. is عُقُولٌ: (K:) Sb mentions عَقْلٌ as an instance of an inf. n. having a pl., namely, عُقُولٌ; like شُغْلٌ and مَرَضٌ: (TA in art. مرض:) IAar says, (O,) العَقْلُ is [syn. with] القَلْبُ, and القَلْبُ is [syn. with] العَقْلُ: (O, K:) and ↓ المَعْقُولُ is [said to be] a subst., or name, for العَقْلُ, like المَجْلُودُ and المَيْسُورُ for الجَلَادَةُ and اليُسْرُ: (Har p. 12:) it is said in a prov., ↓ مَا لَهُ جُولٌ وَلَا مَعْقُولٌ, (Meyd, and Har ubi suprà,) meaning He has not strong purpose of mind, [to withhold, or protect, him,] like the جول [or casing] of the well of the collapsing whereof one is free from fear because of its firmness, nor intellect, or intelligence, (عَقْل,) to withhold him from doing that which is not suitable to the likes of him. (Meyd. [But see مَعْقُولٌ below.]) [Hence, أَسْنَانُ العَقْلِ (see 1 in art. حنك) and أَضْرَاسُ العَقْلِ (see ضِرْسٌ), both meaning The wisdom-teeth.]

A3: [It is said that]

عَقْلٌ also signifies A fortress; syn. حِصْنٌ. (K.) [But this seems to be doubtful.] See مَعْقِلٌ.

A4: And A sort of red cloth (S, O, K) with which the [women's camel-vehicle called] هَوْدَج is covered: (K:) or a sort of what are called بُرُود [pl. of بُرْدٌ, q. v.] or a sort of figured cloth, (K,) or, as in the M, of red figured cloth: (TA:) or such as is figured with long forms. (Har p. 416.) عُقْلَةٌ A bond like the عِقَال [q. v.]: or a shackle. (Har p. 199.) b2: [Hence it seems to signify An impediment of any kind.] One says, بِهِ عُقْلَةٌ مِنَ السِّحْرِ وَقَدْ عُمِلَتْ لَهُ نُشْرَةٌ [app. meaning In him is an impediment arising from enchantment, and a charm, or an amulet, has been made for him]. (S, O.) b3: And A [mode of] twisting one's leg with another's in wrestling. (TA.) See 1, latter half. b4: And A twisting of the tongue when one desires to speak. (Mbr, TA in art. حبس.) b5: And, in the conventional language of the geomancers, (O, K,) it consists of A unit and a pair and a unit, (O,) the sign ??: (K, TA:) also called ثِقَافٌ. (O, TA.) عَقْلِىٌّ Intellectual, as meaning of, or relating to, the intellect.]

عِقَالٌ A rope with which a camel's fore shank is bound to his arm, both being folded together and bound in the middle of the arm: pl. عُقُلٌ. (S, O, Msb.) [See also شِكَالٌ.] b2: And The poor-rate (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) of a year, (S, Mgh, O, K,) consisting of camels and of sheep or goats. (K.) [See a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. سعو and سعى.] One says, عَلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ عِقَالَانِ On the sons of such a one lies a poor-rate of two years. (S, O.) And hence the saying of Aboo-Bekr, لَوْ مَنَعُونِى عِقَالًا (Mgh, O, Msb) If they refused me a year's poor-rate: (Mgh, O:) and it is said that the phrase أَخَذَ عِقَالًا was used when the collector of the poor-rate took the camels themselves, not their price: (TA:) or Aboo-Bekr meant a rope of the kind above mentioned; (Mgh, O, Msb;) for when one gave the poor-rate of his camels, he gave with them their عُقُل: (O, Msb:) or (Mgh, TA) he meant thereby a paltry thing, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) of the value of the [rope called] عقال: (TA:) or he said عَنَاقًا [“ a she-kid ”]; (Mgh, TA;) so accord. to Bkh, (Mgh,) and most others: (TA:) or جُدَيًّا [“ a little kid ”]
. (Mgh, TA.) b3: Also A young [she-camel such as is called] قَلُوص. (K.) b4: عِقَالُ المِئِينَ meansThe man of high rank who, when he has been made a prisoner, is ransomed with hundreds of camels. (K.) عَقُولٌ A medicine that binds, confines, or astringes, the belly [or bowels]; (S, O, Msb;) as also ↓ عَاقُولٌ; contr. of حَادُورٌ. (A in art. حدر.) A2: See also عَاقِلٌ, latter half, in two places.

عَقِيلَةٌ A woman of generous race, (S, O, K,) modest, or bashful, (S, O,) that is kept behind the curtain, (K,) held in high estimation: (TA:) the excellent of camels, (Az, S, O, K,) and of other things: (Az, TA:) or the most excellent of every kind of thing: (S, O, K:) and the chief of a people: (K:) the first is the primary signification: then it became used as meaning the excel-lent of any kind of things, substantial, and also ideal, as speech, or language: pl. عَقَائِلُ. (TA.) And العَقِيلَةُ: (K,) or عَقِيلَةُ البَحْرِ, (S, O, TA,) signifies The pearl, or large pearl: (S, O, K, * TA: *) or the large and clear pearl: or, accord. to IB, the pearl, or large pearl, in its shell. (TA.) إِبِلٌ عُقَيْلِيَّةٌ Certain hardy, excellent, highly esteemed, camels, of Nejd. (Msb.) عُقَّالٌ A limping, or slight lameness, syn. ظَلَعٌ, (so in copies of the S,) or ضَلَعٌ [which is said to signify the same, or correctly to signify a natural crookedness], (so in other copies of the S and in the O,) which occurs in the legs of a beast: (S, O:) or a certain disease in the hind leg of a beast, such that, when he goes along, he limps, or is slightly lame, for a while, after which he stretches forth; (K, TA;) accord. to A'Obeyd, (TA,) peculiar to the horse; (K, TA;) but it mostly occurs in sheep or goats. (TA.) b2: دَآءٌ ذُو عُقَّالٍ

A disease of which one will not be cured. (TA.) A2: عُقَّالُ الكَلَأِ Three herbs that remain after having been cut, which are the سَعْدَانَة and the حُلَّب and the قُطْبَة. (TA.) A3: And عَقَاقِيلُ, [a pl.] of which the sing. is not mentioned, [perhaps pl. of عُقَّالٌ, but in two senses a pl. of عَقَنْقَلٌ,] signifies The portions of a grape-vine that are raised and supported upon a trellis or the like. (TA.) عُقَّيْلَى Grapes in their first, sour, state. (O, K.) أَخَذَهُ العِقِّيلَى i. q. شَغْزَبَهُ and شَغْرَبَهُ. (Az, TA in art. شغزب.) عَاقِلٌ [act. part. n. of عَقَلَ: and as such,] The payer of a bloodwit: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.]

↓ عَاقِلَةٌ: (Msb:) the latter is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates; (TA;) and signifies a man's party (S, Mgh, O, K, TA) who league together to defend one another, (S, O, K, TA,) consisting of the relations on the father's side, (S, Mgh, * O, TA,) who pay the bloodwit (S, Mgh, O, TA) [app. in conjunction with the slayer] for him who has been slain unint