
معجم اللغة العربية المعاصرة لأحمد مختار عمر
نقط1 نَقَطَ الكِتَابَ, (S, Msb,) or الحَرْفَ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْطٌ, (S, Msb,) He pointed, or dotted. [the book, or writing, or] the letter, or word, with the diacritical points or point; and with the syllabical points or point, by which are shown the pronunciation and division of syllables and the desinential syntax; syn. أَعْجَمَهُ; as also ↓ نقّطهُ: (K:) and المصَاحِفَ ↓ نقّط, inf. n. تَنْقِيطٌ, [he so pointed the copies of the Kur-án.] (S.) 2 نَقَّطَ see 1, in two places. b2: نفّط ثَوْبَهُ بِالزَّعْفَرَانِ وَالمِدَادِ, inf. n. تَنْقِيطٌ, [He made speaks, or small spots, upon his garment, with saffron, and ink;] (Lth;) and نقّط عَلَى ثَوْبِهِ [signifies the same]. (A, TA, in art. رقط.) And نَقَّطَتِ المَرْأَةُ وَجْهَهَا وَخَدَّهَا بِالسَّوَادِ تَتَحَسَّنُ بِذٰلِكَ [The woman made specks, or small spots, upon her face, with black, beautifying herself thereby]. (TA.) 5 تنقّط [quasi-pass. of 2; It became pointed, &c. b2: And hence,] (tropical:) It (a place) became seattered with spots, or portions, of herbage. (K, TA.) نَقْطَةٌ inf. n. un. of 1, [A single act of pointing, &c.] (Msb.) نُقْطَةٌ A diacritical point of a letter or word: a syllabical point thereof: see 1:] (K:) [a point, dot, speck, speckle, or small spot: a mathematical point; i. e.] the extremity of a line: (TA:) pl. نُقَطٌ (S, Msb, K,) and نِقَاطٌ. (Az, S, K.) Hence, one says, مَا اخْتَلَفَا فى نُقْطَةٍ They two did not differ respecting so small a thing as a point of a letter or word. (TA.) And [hence] the vulgar say, when they admire one, هُوَ نُقْطَةٌ فِى مُصْحَفٍ (assumed tropical:) [He is like a point, or stop, in a copy of the Kur-án; because the stops in the Kur-án are generally ornamented, and often very beautifully, with gold and colours]. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) [Any very small thing, that may be likened to a point, dot, or speck. Hence,] 'Alee is related to have said, العِلْمُ نُقْطَةٌ إِنَّمَا كَتَّرَهَا الجَاهِلُونَ (assumed tropical:) [Science, or knowledge, is a very small thing: only the ignorant have made it to be much]. (TA.) And you say, أَعْطَاهُ نُقْطَةً مِنْ عَسَلٍ (tropical:) [He gave him a drop, or very small quantity, of honey]. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) [A portion of a thing, or some of a number of things, in a separate, or scattered, state, here and there] You say, مَا بَقِىَ مِنْ

أَمْوَالِهِمْ إِلَّا نُقْطَةَ (tropical:) There remained not of their possessions [aught] save some palm-trees and a portion of seed-produce here and there. (IAar, TA) And فِى الأَرْضِ نِقَاطٌ مِنَ الكَلَإِ, and نُقَطٌ مِنْهُ. (tropical:) In the land are scattered spots, or portions, of herbage. (K, * TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) A thing: an affair; a matter: a case; an event; an action. (TA.) نُقَيْطَةٌ dim. of نُقْطَةٌ. (TA.) نَقَّاطٌ One who points copies of the Kur-án &c.; i. e. adds the diacritical and other points. (S, * TA.) كِتَابٌ مَنْقُوطٌ (Msb, TA) A book, or writing, pointed with the diacritical, or other, points. (TA.)