ببليوغرافيا الكتب الإنجليزية

فهرسة أكثر من أربعة ملايين وثلاثمائة ألف كتاب باللغة الإنجليزية مع ترجمة العنوان واسم المؤلف للغة العربية

Infection and sepsis in industrial wounds of the hand / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : العدوى والإنتان في الجروح الصناعية في اليد: دراسة جرثومية للمسببات المرضية والوقاية
BNB number : GB5000767
Date published : 1949
Has extent : 87 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Infection and sepsis in industrial wounds of the hand : a bacteriological study of aetiology and prophylaxis

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Report for the years 1945-1948 / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : تقرير للسنوات 1945-1948
BNB number : GB5000993
Date published : 1949
Has extent : 283 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Report for the years 1945-1948

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A study of diphtheria in two areas of Great Britain, with special reference to the antitoxin concentration of the serum of inoculated and non-inoculated patients and other persons / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : دراسة عن الدفتيريا في منطقتين من بريطانيا العظمى ، مع إشارة خاصة إلى تركيز مضاد السموم في مصل المرضى الملقحين وغير الملقحين والأشخاص الآخرين: وعلاقة ذلك بحدوث المرض ونوعه وشدته
BNB number : GB5005763
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 162 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : A study of diphtheria in two areas of Great Britain, with special reference to the antitoxin concentration of the serum of inoculated and non-inoculated patients and other persons : and the relation of this to the incidence, type, and severity of the dise

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Human milk / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : لبن الأم: دراسات زمن الحرب لبعض الفيتامينات ومكونات أخرى
BNB number : GB5006011
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 188 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Human milk : wartime studies of certain vitamins and other constituents

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List of species maintained in the national collection of type cultures / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : قائمة الأنواع المحفوظة في المجموعة الوطنية لنوع الثقافات
BNB number : GB5006016
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 16 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : List of species maintained in the national collection of type cultures

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The causes of blindness in England and Wales / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : أسباب العمى في إنجلترا وويلز
BNB number : GB5006297
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 42 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : The causes of blindness in England and Wales

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Researches on the measurement of human performance / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : الأبحاث حول قياس الأداء البشري
BNB number : GB5006871
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 156 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Researches on the measurement of human performance

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Researches on the radiotherapy of oral cancer / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : الأبحاث حول العلاج الإشعاعي للسرطان عن طريق الفم
BNB number : GB5007402
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 148 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Researches on the radiotherapy of oral cancer

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Reports on biological standards. 6: The design of toxicity tests / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : تقارير عن المعايير البيولوجية. 6: تصميم اختبارات السمية
BNB number : GB5008663
Date published : 1950
Has extent : 51 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Reports on biological standards. 6: The design of toxicity tests

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Occupational factors in the aetiology of gastric and duodenal ulcers, with an estimate of their incidence in the general population / Medical Research Council (Great Britain)

Arabic Title : العوامل المهنية في المسببات المرضية لقرحة المعدة والاثني عشر ، مع تقدير حدوثها في عموم السكان
BNB number : GB5102605
Date published : 1951
Has extent : 96 pages
Author : Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Title : Occupational factors in the aetiology of gastric and duodenal ulcers, with an estimate of their incidence in the general population

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