أرشيف صوتي لخطب ومحاضرات وسلاسل علمية

أكثر من أربعة وعشرين ألف مادة صوتية لكتب مسموعة وشروح كتب ومجالس استماع وحوارات في مختلف العلوم الإسلامية

184✨Buying an Apartment with Interest Based Financing

183✨Is Watching a Video with Swearing Sinfu

182✨Working for a Company Supporting the Occupying Entity

181✨Investing in RRSPs

180✨Riya in Sacrifice Ostentation During Purchase

179✨On Transporting Sacrifices Abroad

178✨Attending Schoos with Prevaent Immodesty and Coeducation

177✨Tech Careers in Advancing Services for Interest Based Banks

176✨Destiny of Native Americans Unaware of Isam

175✨Paying for Sacrifice Certificates for Overseas Saughter

174✨Divorce Worries from Mere Imaginations

173✨Rues and Conditions of Sacrifice

172✨Sincere Repentance

171✨Repaying Debts In Kind, Not Vaue

170✨Did the Prophet Fast During the First Ten Days of Dhu Hijjah

169✨Pre Sacrifice Grooming

66✨Zakat on Unsod Rea Estate Hed for Years

51✨Investing in stock market in the west

168✨Caim of No Evidence for Quranic Stories of Prophets

163✨Sister's Brother Testifies on Ex's Fase Poverty Caim

136✨How to Start Seeking Knowedge from Scratch

167✨Deaying God Zakat Unti After Returning from Hajj

166✨Are Student Loans Deductibe from Zakat

165✨Touching the Kaaba and Getting Its Fragrance on Ihram

164✨Pigrim Fasting During the First Days of Dhu a Hijjah

162✨Deaying Part of Retirement Zakat Unti Retirement

161✨Sacrificing Lambs Under Six Months Od

160✨Learning Engish Onine from an Unveied Woman

159✨How Can She Hep Her Non Praying Father After Death

158✨Facing Situations Like Perjury at Work

157✨My Daughter Moved Away, Now Invites Me to Her Graduation

156✨Ruing on Watching Boxing Matches

155✨How to Sette Doar Denominated Debt with Another Currency

154✨Sexua OCD During Prayer Causing Ejacuation!

153✨Can Transfer Fees Be Deducted from Zakat Funds

152✨Buying a House with a Mortgage for Renting, Then Upgrading

151✨Sponsoring a Chid with Parents Shoud the Woman Vei

150✨Ruing on Praying Against Arabs and Musims for Faiing Gaza

149✨Keeping Parents' Photos Visibe After Their Death

148✨Handing Mixed Money Found After Mass Death

147✨Is Winning Money in an Onine Game Considered Gambing

146✨Continuing to Invest in a Company Supporting LGBTQ

145✨is Friday Prayer Waived for the Deaf

144✨A Shafi'i's Saying 'I Beieve in God as He Wis'

143✨Limits on Opening a Checking Account with Usurious Banks

142✨Ruing on Forbidding Wrong When Certain of Ineffectiveness

141✨Can a Zakat Distributor Deduct Debts Owed to Him

140✨Prenuptia Agreement

139✨Depositing in Banks Due to Inabiity to Invest

138✨Tourism in Countries Hostie to Musims

137✨Ruing on Commissions from Internet Trading

135✨Instament Payments for Credit Card Purchases

134✨Common Errors in A Fatiha That Invaidate Prayer

133✨Commercia Insurance Provided as a Work Benefit

132✨Regarding Currency Exchange from a Usurious Bank

131✨Regarding the Verse Or You Wi Return to Our Reigion

130✨Are Acts of the Heart Accountabe

129✨Regarding Writing the Quran on a Wooden Board

128✨Soccer Competitions and Criteria for Forbidden Gambing

127✨Does Liking Goba Brands Mimic Non Musims

126✨Do Burn Bisters Invaidate Abution

125✨Angry at Son, Swore to Break Phone; Fufi Oath

124✨Marriage Between a Musim and a Sabian

122✨Raising Treatment Prices to Bi Insurance Instead

120✨Ruing on Seing Tobacco

121✨Buying Houses Through Conventiona Financing

119✨Must a Wife Inform Her Husband About Her Donations

118✨Famiy's Stance When a Chid Apostatizes

117✨Zakat on Corporate Current Account Funds

116✨Ruing on Marriage to a 'Muhai'

115✨Divorced Four Times, Caimed Divorce Ony Vaid Before a Judge

114✨Cutting Nais During Menstruation Does It Break Ihram

78✨Regarding the Funera Prayer for One Who Negected Prayer

62✨Must the Needy Be Aware They're Receiving Zakat Funds

49✨What to Do if Sharia Arbitration is Refused

38✨Parents' handing of money aocated for their chidren

34✨Expenses for Deivering Zakat to its Deserving

29✨Partner Insists on Hiring an Atheist Chef

48✨Can Divorce Occur with Recurrent Thoughts Ony

12✨How to accustom teenage boys to committing to prayer

11✨Late fines on debts

10✨Loan repayment in ight of infation

9✨Purchasing an apartment by usurious oan

7✨Considering western aw in Wis and heritage

82✨Zakat a-Fitr for Stepchidren Husband's Obigation

83✨Zakat a-Fitr for Stepchidren Husband's Obigation

81✨Tasks of Eid Night

73✨Renting a Buiding to a Company That Ses Prohibited Items

65✨Refusing to Pay Exorbitant U.S. Medica Bis

96✨Nursing Diemmas Vaccinating Homosexuas

71✨Teaming Up in Business with a Partner Funded by Usury

Support Mishkah University

72✨Does Vomiting Invaidate Fasting

67✨Cacuating Zakat on Nisab, God Bars, and Wife's Jewery

80✨Buying God for an Orphan with Zakat for Marriage Preparation

76✨Exemption from Friday Prayers for Those Afficted with Parkinson's

68✨Does Staying in Sat Caves for Therapy Invaidate Fasting

75✨Does Swaowing Phegm Break the Fast

77✨Charity Wes in Remote Areas

70✨Hiding One's Faith Navigating Famiy Fears and Ritua Chaenges

184✨Buying an Apartment with Interest Based Financing