الأدب الجاهلي في آثار الدارسين قديما وحديثا

مدة قراءة الصفحة : 4 دقائق .
- Some aspects of ancient Arabic Poetry as illustrated by a little known anthology, proc. Brit. Acad., 1917- 1918, P. 365- 380. 52- LICHTENSTADTER, I. - A modern Analysis of Arabic Poetry. IC 15 (1941) , P. 429- 434. - Intraduction to Classical Arabic literature. New Yourk, Twayne Publishers, 1974. 53- MARGOLIOUTH. - The Relation Between Arabs and Israelites to the Rise of Islam. - Mohammad and the Rise of Islam. 3rd ed. London 1923. 54- MARGOLIOUTH, D.S. - Teh Origins of Arabic Poetry. JRAS (1925) : 417- 449. - Additional note on the Poem attributed to al- Samau'al. JRAS, 1906, P. 363- 371. 55- MAC DONALD, D.B. - Arabian Poetry. JRAS, 1925, P. 417- 449. 56- MATTOCK, I.N. - Repetition in the Peotry of Imru Al- Qays. Glasgow University oriental Society 1974 P. 34- 50. 57-Mitchell, J., - Writing Aramic, a practical introduction to Ruq'ah script, London, 1958. 58- NICHOLSON, R.A. - Alliterary History of the Arabs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956. 59- Moburg, A., - The Book of the Himyatites, Lund, 1924. 60- NOLDEKE, Th. - The Samaual. ZA 27 (1912) , P. 173- 183. 61- Musil, A., - The northern Hegaz, New Yourk, 1926. 62-Parry, M., - «Studies in the epic technique of oral versemaking L: Homer and the Homeric style» , Harvard Studies in Classical philos- sophy, XLI, 1930. 63- RABIN, CH. - Arabiyya. EI 1: 561 P. 567. - Ancient West Arabian. London: Talor's Foreign Press, 1951. - The Beginnings of Classicla Arabic. SI 4 (1955) : 19- 37. 64- RINGGren, H. - The Cpncept of Sabr in Pre- Islamic Poetry and in the Qur'an. Ic 26; (1952) P. 75- 90.