أرشيف الاستشارات

عنوان الاستشارة : the last treatment of vitiligo ما هو آخر علاج للبرص -

مدة قراءة السؤال : دقيقة واحدة

what is the last treatment of vitiligo please
i'm sorry i write to you by english because i haven't arabic program
thank you
يسأل عن آخر علاج للبرص؟

مدة قراءة الإجابة : 10 دقائق

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الأخ الفاضل/ t.o حفظه الله.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وبعد،،،
Because you do not have Arabic program my answer will be in English
Latest treatments for vitiligo are:

A procedure called melanocyte culture; by culturing the cells that produce the color of the skin in special media then they inject it in the vitiligo lesions (still not approved in the USA) it is expensive and needs special lab

Grafting; has a lot of varieties (Autologous minigrafting, top blister grafting, melanocyte grafting.. ) also need specialized centers and vitiligo should be stable for one year at least before any of these procedures are done

Vitix or catalase enzyme; skin should be ruubed vigorously before and after applying it ,it should be applied regularly over long period of time , they said that it prevent the appearance of new lesions , practically it is less effective than other available treatments although it is new and expensive

Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus
They work like topical steroids mainly on the face but patients should be supervised while using this treatment

Daivonex and similar derivates of Vitamin D3 analogue are said also to improve vitiligo (although it is a treatment for psoriasis)

In the treatment of vitiligo we do not need new treatment but we need to understand the causes of the disease and to know what is good for this particular case, location or patient

Kindly read consultation number 235088 and related links included

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