أرشيف الاستشارات

عنوان الاستشارة : My problem

مدة قراءة السؤال : دقيقتان

i commited "zina" in my life, i deeply regret what i did and my problem is that flash-backs of the "fahisha" that i commited keep comming back in my mind all the time even when i pray and this bothers me a lot.

مدة قراءة الإجابة : 8 دقائق

Thank you very much for your question. As a psychiarist it does not exactly come under my domain , but what I gathered from Islamic scholars and by analysing the wording of your message, I can see that you are expressing your repentence in the strongest possible way and this itself is more than enough . The fact that it is coming as flash back in your mind even when you are praying it means that this "fahisha "acts like a triggering point for post-traumatic stress disorder and it will disappear by time. I think you need to go back and read about "tawba" in a documented Islamic text. what you need I think is the hope because you are absloutely safe now Inshallah and the grace and forgiveness from Almightly Allah tala has no bounds and Inshallah you will be included among those who are forgiven for their sins. I think also you can do some relaxation exercises and the best simple message is that of Jacobson which you can find in cassettes and booklets as this willl help elivate you from inner tension and anxiey and consultation of Islamic scholars in this matter will also be advisable.

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